Jerusalem Watercolor

Posted by on July 19, 2012 in Blog, Drawings, Fine Art, Paintings | Comments Off on Jerusalem Watercolor

9″ x 12″ – Watercolor, Charcoal Pencil and Conte on Paper 2005 | Jerusalem Watercolor

Jerusalem Watercolor

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This was done from a photo I took on a Hilel trip in 2001.  I abstracted it and put some of my own flair and energy into it. It always feels good to be home and when I’m away, this piece lifts my spirits. If you want to see the difference between my vision and reality, scroll down… The photo was shot on a Canon Rebel 35mm film camera. A scan of a print of the original photo is posted below, so excuse the quality.


Not one of my best, but it inspired the painting. I got the angle I wanted in the end.

When I’m not visiting my fam in Israel, I’m hustling at my
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