Coral Springs Museum of Art Exhibit

Coral Springs Museum of Art Exhibit

I’m extremely excited to have had one of my paintings chosen to run for 5 months in the Coral Springs Museum of Art. MOVING ON UP IN THE ART WORLD! Not only is it a real museum, it’s also my hometown for 20+ years. The run dates for this exhibition are November 23, 2013 – March 15, 2014. Furthermore, I’m featured alongside a famous artist in the main gallery exhibition, “Des Jardins – Visual Emotionism”. When I get a chance, I...

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Miami Beach Body Painting Gig

Miami Beach Body Painting Gig

This was my first ever body painting gig for an event at the Miami Beach Convention Center.  I was hired to come help out by my boy Kaos, who is a pro and does this a few days a week. Him and Noz where painting with airbrushes, which is the standard. I’m more comfortable with a brush, so I went with that. The yellow is actually glow in the dark paint. The end result was pretty cool and everybody was quite impressed with my work. So maybe...

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Vapors 2 – Street Art & DJ expo in West Palm Beach

Vapors 2 – Street Art & DJ expo in West Palm Beach

I’ve been invited to paint live and DJ with some of the biggest names in Miami Street Art.  Always an honor to paint next to guys who have been making a name for our city in Graffiti Art for 20+ years. I will be playing some music on the wheels of steel and painting under my pseudonym, Trails 1. I will post pics after the jam.

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Art Basel Miami Vinyl Art Show

Art Basel Miami Vinyl Art Show

Saturday, November 30th, 2013 Vinyl Vision Art Show and BBQ @ Gramps – 176 NW 24th St., Miami, Florida 33127   I was honored to be chosen to participate in this show by a long time friend and legendary Miami Graffiti Artist named Seamstarr. The theme was painting over record covers. You could paint over the whole thing, or use elements in the existing covers as part of the painting. Overall, it was an amazing experience to be able to...

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Miami DJ Gig for Toy Drive

Miami DJ Gig for Toy Drive

As part of this event I have been working on for the last 17+ years, I will be DJing at the Miami Bboy Academy for the Pro-Am Games Christmas Toy Drive. Qualifier Open for All to Compete for: “18th Annual Pro-Am Games” Set for Summer of June 5-8 2014 Categories include: B-Boy “Leacy” 1 vs 1 “Pee-Wee” 1 vs 1 “B-Girl” 1 vs 1 “Christmas Toy Drive” for Kids Please bring a unwrapped Toy to...

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