
Eating organic, juicing, working out & fun activities to help improve your quality of life.

Organic Diet TipsFitness, eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle have always been a big part of my life. People ask me what I eat all the time and how I work out, so I decided to dedicate this page to organic diet tips and work out tricks that I incorporate into my daily living. Although I am not a certified personal trainer or nutritionist, I have been active my whole life and only have about 8% BODY FAT in my mid-thirties. Not bad!  I’m almost never sick and always feeling strong, healthy, sharp and super energetic. I attribute it completely to diet, exercise and meditation. To elaborate further, I don’t lift weights, I don’t eat anything with preservatives, pesticides, trans fats, processed foods or artificial ingredients and I try to keep my stress levels down. Of course I go out sometimes or eat with friends and I don’t fuss or bother to think about it. DIET = what you put in your body on a regular basis. All my exercise is calisthenics, martial arts, chi gong, walking, stretching and resistance bands. I go the park almost daily to walk, do push ups, pull ups, dips, rows, stretch and take deep breaths. If I’m not feeling well, I go see Dr. George Xavier Love in Boca Raton, who practices traditional Chinese medicine like Acupuncture, Massage & Herbs. Last things I want to do is expose myself to a Doctors office, hospital or chemical pills.

Below you will find my recent blog postings regarding my organic diet and exercise routines. Feel free to dig through the archives or subscribe for regular health tips. If you see something you like, please SHARE IT.



Spicy chicken and zucchini

Posted by on December 15, 2011 in Health | Comments Off on Spicy chicken and zucchini

Threw this together for Lunch the other day with stuff that was just sitting in fridge. Organic chicken breast, cayenne, chili powder, paprika, black pepper, fresh slices of turmeric and Ginger, sage and Zucchini. It Smells good and I’m about to throw it on a whole wheat wrap with avocado. Hope it tastes as good as it smells 🙂



Wild salmon, corn, salad, avocado and white whine

Posted by on December 14, 2011 in Health | 1 comment

Wild Alaskan salmon, corn, salad, avocado, flat bread, lemon and Chardonnay.


You should try to avoid Atlantic Salmon because they come from dirty fish farms. Fishing wild salmon is illegal in the Atlantic because of population reserves being so low.


Juicer ingredients – Tuesday Dec 13

Posted by on December 14, 2011 in Health | Comments Off on Juicer ingredients – Tuesday Dec 13

All organic juicer meal: Pear, golden apple, cucumber, Ginger, red beet, celery, carrots, red pepper, lemon with skin and broccoli. This combo was really good and tasted fantastic!



Stuffed peppers with couscous and chicken

Posted by on December 14, 2011 in Health | Comments Off on Stuffed peppers with couscous and chicken

Stuffed red peppers with couscous, chicken, garlic, onions, celery and cilantro.  I think we need a food processor for faster chopping.



Veggie omlette with feta in wheat wrap

Posted by on December 14, 2011 in Health | Comments Off on Veggie omlette with feta in wheat wrap

FYI – I’m not a “chef” and I’m just trying to show people eating healthy Is quick, cheap and doesn’t take any secret knowledge.

Mixed greens, cilantro, red pepper, garlic, onions, Ginger, tomato, avocado, white radish, cucumber, two eggs, feta cheese, flat bread and ground black pepper.

I just cut up a bunch of stuff, threw it in a bowl with two vegetarian fed eggs, mixed it up, put in pan with some olive oil, covered for 10 minutes on medium/high temperature, And put it in a flat wrap with avocado.

20111213-212915.jpg (more…)


Healthy salad meal

Posted by on December 12, 2011 in Health | Comments Off on Healthy salad meal

Romaine lettuce, tomato, onion, garlic, white radish, yellow pepper, spinach, lemon, olive oil, vinegar, Ginger, turmeric and feta cheese.


Quick juicer meal Dec. 6, 3012

Posted by on December 8, 2011 in Health | Comments Off on Quick juicer meal Dec. 6, 3012

Ingredients for my late night juice snack. My choice for a Healthy meal before bed time.


    Carrot, Celery, Kiwi, Clementine, Cucumber, Lemon, Ginger, Tumeric and Broccoli.


Finished product is Yummy!!! Thanks to my sweet girlfriend for buying me the Jack LaLane Power Juicer for my birthday…
