Aum Water & Ink

Aum Water & Ink

Aum Symbol (Om) | 9″ x12″ | Watercolor, Calligraphy Ink and Pencil on paper | 2005 I’d like think of myself as a pretty spiritual guy. Between my martial arts, yoga, meditation and natural healing studies, you can imagine that this holy symbol has a lot of relevance in my life. Below is one of my attempts to express it’s significance to me. It was painted with Ink using a Chinese Calligraphy brush. The background was...

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Tel Aviv Beach

Tel Aviv Beach

Gordon Beach Sunset in Tel Aviv, Israel Photography – May 25, 2008 –  My favorite beach in Tel Aviv!   Shot on my old Nikon D50 with the stock 18-55mm lens. A touch of color manipulation in Photoshop.

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Hand Illustration

Hand Illustration

Hand Illustration – 18″ x 24″ White Gesso & Brushed Ink on paper from 2002 I added the gradient in the background and the drop shadow in Photoshop to liven it up a little since it  was all white before. This was a study in a Drawing 2 class and the teacher was pretty impressed at the time, so I decided to keep it. Hands are notoriously difficult to draw. click image to enlarge If I’m not drawing hands, I’m usually putting...

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Global Warming

Global Warming

Global Warming 16″ x 20″ – Acrylic, Plastic Wrap, Sponge and Metal Scrubber | 2007 So this one is basically one of my takes on consumerism and how much we waste. In the spirit of trying to prevent further waste, I used everything I could find to make this happen, including the plastic wrap that the canvas came in. Click on image below to enlarge Side Elevation photos below to show texture and depth. Click on image below to...

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Inca DJ Logo

Inca DJ Logo

DJ INCA Logo Illustration from 2005 This was a quick sketch I put together for a local South Florida DJ friend of mine. The letters were temporary, but the concept came out pretty cool overall.I added some quick coloring in Photoshop to spice it up.  Click image below to enlarge Besides being creative, I’m usually at working hard at my Florida Search Engine Optimization Company or A1A DJs rocking parties around the U.S.A. Peep our new Social...

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