Bruce Lee Street Art Mural

Bruce Lee Street Art Mural

12’x12′ Graffiti Bruce Lee mural by Miami Street Artist Trails1 Painted live at the 5th Anniversary of the BBAD, Boynton Beach Art District. Miami Artist, Trails1 / Jonathan M. Fields, received his name listed in the press with the Sun-Sentinel and Broward Palm Beach New Times.  This is the 3rd Street Art Mural the Miami artist has painted in this South Florida location pre Miami Art Basel season where he usually displays in...

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24×80 Miami Street Art Mural & 3D Install

24×80 Miami Street Art Mural & 3D Install

24′ Feet High x 80′ Feet Wide Miami Street Art Graffiti Mural & 3D Installation Spray Paint, Enamel, 3D Foam Buildings, 3d Foam Graffiti Letters, 3D Foam Anchor, 3D Trussing designed to look like a crane at the Port of Miami loading shipping containers onto the freight ship. Located in Xtreme Action Park, a Fort Lauderdale Family Entertainment Center. The Miami Street Art Mural is on a Go-Kart Track and was completed in 2015. In...

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Street Art UFO Robot Mural

Street Art UFO Robot Mural

15 Feet High x 18 Feet Long Graffiti UFO & Street Art Robot Mural   Street Art UFO & Graffiti Robot Mural by Miami Street Artist Trails 1. Graffiti mural painted with 99 Percent Spray Paint in Fort Lauderdale Art District. The final details on UFO and outlines of Robot were done with black acrylic paint. The mural is in the Prime Time Arcade at Xtreme Action Park. Click images to enlarge

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Wynwood Street Art Show Miami ProAm

Wynwood Street Art Show Miami ProAm

I’m ecstatic to announce that I will be exhibiting and DJing with the ten of the top Street Artists and Graffiti Legends from Miami. The Miami Pro-Am Kick Off Show will be held at HandCrafted Gallery in the famous Wynwood Art District on May 31st and the pieces will be displayed at the Pro-Am Games event the week after, June 5-8. The HandCrafter Gallery is owned by Reality Television star Chris Nunes from Miami Ink & Ink Master fame....

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Vapors 2 – Street Art & DJ expo in West Palm Beach

Vapors 2 – Street Art & DJ expo in West Palm Beach

I’ve been invited to paint live and DJ with some of the biggest names in Miami Street Art.  Always an honor to paint next to guys who have been making a name for our city in Graffiti Art for 20+ years. I will be playing some music on the wheels of steel and painting under my pseudonym, Trails 1. I will post pics after the jam.

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New York City Tribute

New York City Tribute

This piece was commissioned by Joshua Morales in 2006. I came up with the layout and design. He basically just wanted something representative of a New York City painting and I got my creative on with the rest. It’s 48″ wide x 36″ high.

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Denver Art & Music Show

Denver Art & Music Show

I just got hired as the official DJ for the Terminal Kings art show being sponsored by the University of Denver and The Denver Airport. In addition, I will be painting live daily with famous artists from around the world that have been hired to install hundreds of square feet of their Graffiti and Street Art into an exhibition that will remain in the Denver Airport for 5 years. My set will be from 2:00pm-4pm everyday and I will be playing some...

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