Bruce Lee Street Art Mural

Bruce Lee Street Art Mural

12’x12′ Graffiti Bruce Lee mural by Miami Street Artist Trails1 Painted live at the 5th Anniversary of the BBAD, Boynton Beach Art District. Miami Artist, Trails1 / Jonathan M. Fields, received his name listed in the press with the Sun-Sentinel and Broward Palm Beach New Times.  This is the 3rd Street Art Mural the Miami artist has painted in this South Florida location pre Miami Art Basel season where he usually displays in...

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Wynwood Live Painting

Wynwood Live Painting

Live painting in the Wynwood Miami Design District @ TSL Lounge Acrylic & Spray paint on 14″x18″ Canvas His+Hers @ The Social Lubricant 5/7/15 – Featuring music by Dabura, Beki Powell, Holsem, Matos and live art by Cristovedo, Jonathan M. Fields, Lexy.

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Beat Street Graffiti Wynwood Art Gallery

Beat Street Graffiti Wynwood Art Gallery

In May of 2014, I was blessed to exhibit with & DJ for ten of the top Street Artists and most successful Graffiti Legends from Miami.   The opening night was held at the HandCrafted Gallery in the famous Wynwood Art District on May 31st. The HandCrafted Gallery is owned by Reality Television star, Chris Nunes, from Miami Ink & Ink Master fame. After the show spent 30 days in the gallery, it then spent a month at the Miami Light...

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Fashion for Humanity Live Painting

Fashion for Humanity Live Painting

Live painting of a Street Art Buddha at a Charity event in West Palm Beach, FL.   22″x14″ Acrylic on Canvas 2015 FASHION FOR HUMANITY EVENTS A non profit organization holding fashion inspired events to raise awareness and funds for charity, bringing together the arts, entertainment and community for the greater good of humanity.

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Shuzz Charity Live Painting

Shuzz Charity Live Painting

As part of the 5th annual Shuzz Charity Fund at the Mizner Park Amphitheater in Boca Raton, I was invited to exhibit my artwork and perform a live painting on April 2, 2015. The upscale event was sponsored by Neiman Marcus, featured chic designer Haute Hippie,  a special performance by Cirque Dreams and the work of acclaimed artists such as Joe Laruto, Logan Hicks etc. The event was a huge success, was attended by over 3,000 people and raised...

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Uncharted – Trespass Gallery Tennessee

Uncharted – Trespass Gallery Tennessee

Proud to announce that my artwork is being featured in Clarksville, Tennessee at Trespass Gallery. I was lucky enough to get in on the ground floor with other incredible artists and be part of the first couple shows at the exhibition space. I have two mixed media pieces on canvas displaying in the gallery. The gallery is owned and curated by Miami Native, Vince “Bad Panda” Herrera, who is a very talented up and coming street artist....

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Wynwood Street Art Show Miami ProAm

Wynwood Street Art Show Miami ProAm

I’m ecstatic to announce that I will be exhibiting and DJing with the ten of the top Street Artists and Graffiti Legends from Miami. The Miami Pro-Am Kick Off Show will be held at HandCrafted Gallery in the famous Wynwood Art District on May 31st and the pieces will be displayed at the Pro-Am Games event the week after, June 5-8. The HandCrafter Gallery is owned by Reality Television star Chris Nunes from Miami Ink & Ink Master fame....

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Coral Springs Museum of Art Exhibit

Coral Springs Museum of Art Exhibit

I’m extremely excited to have had one of my paintings chosen to run for 5 months in the Coral Springs Museum of Art. MOVING ON UP IN THE ART WORLD! Not only is it a real museum, it’s also my hometown for 20+ years. The run dates for this exhibition are November 23, 2013 – March 15, 2014. Furthermore, I’m featured alongside a famous artist in the main gallery exhibition, “Des Jardins – Visual Emotionism”. When I get a chance, I...

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Miami Beach Body Painting Gig

Miami Beach Body Painting Gig

This was my first ever body painting gig for an event at the Miami Beach Convention Center.  I was hired to come help out by my boy Kaos, who is a pro and does this a few days a week. Him and Noz where painting with airbrushes, which is the standard. I’m more comfortable with a brush, so I went with that. The yellow is actually glow in the dark paint. The end result was pretty cool and everybody was quite impressed with my work. So maybe...

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Vapors 2 – Street Art & DJ expo in West Palm Beach

Vapors 2 – Street Art & DJ expo in West Palm Beach

I’ve been invited to paint live and DJ with some of the biggest names in Miami Street Art.  Always an honor to paint next to guys who have been making a name for our city in Graffiti Art for 20+ years. I will be playing some music on the wheels of steel and painting under my pseudonym, Trails 1. I will post pics after the jam.

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Art Basel Miami Vinyl Art Show

Art Basel Miami Vinyl Art Show

Saturday, November 30th, 2013 Vinyl Vision Art Show and BBQ @ Gramps – 176 NW 24th St., Miami, Florida 33127   I was honored to be chosen to participate in this show by a long time friend and legendary Miami Graffiti Artist named Seamstarr. The theme was painting over record covers. You could paint over the whole thing, or use elements in the existing covers as part of the painting. Overall, it was an amazing experience to be able to...

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Miami DJ Gig for Toy Drive

Miami DJ Gig for Toy Drive

As part of this event I have been working on for the last 17+ years, I will be DJing at the Miami Bboy Academy for the Pro-Am Games Christmas Toy Drive. Qualifier Open for All to Compete for: “18th Annual Pro-Am Games” Set for Summer of June 5-8 2014 Categories include: B-Boy “Leacy” 1 vs 1 “Pee-Wee” 1 vs 1 “B-Girl” 1 vs 1 “Christmas Toy Drive” for Kids Please bring a unwrapped Toy to...

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Bruce Lee Freestyle JKD Demo

Bruce Lee Freestyle JKD Demo

In November of 2011, I was blessed and honored to be able to perform for Shannon Lee, Bruce’s daughter, who was hosting the event and promoting their plans to open a museum in Seattle. I was originally booked to DJ this awesome event and one of my Martial Arts students, Chris Campbell happened to show up for the Poppin’ Dance Battle. Last minute, I decided to do a completely Freestyle Jeet Kune Do. We did not practice or have...

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Abz of Adoniss MMA Demo

Abz of Adoniss MMA Demo

Our MMA School was invited to demo at this event. We did a 20+ minute show with 7 martial artists. My Sensei surprised me by presenting my 3rd Degree Black Belt after the show. 8+ years in the making. Pics & Videos coming soon… LOST LEGACY MMA will be at the Seminole Coconut Creek Casino on September 16th from 10am to 4pm promoting our school and putting on a musical demonstration at 1pm. Please bring some friends with you and enjoy...

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Live Mural Painting Boynton Beach Art District

Live Mural Painting Boynton Beach Art District

For more info on the final piece, click here Please scroll down for more info about the event. I’m PAINTING an 11′ Wide x 14′ High MURAL LIVE at this event on SEPTEMBER 27: You can also come see the finished piece at the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the Boynton Beach Art District at this event (SEE FLYER BELOW): I’ve been blessed...

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Terminal Kings Denver Airport Street Art Mural

Terminal Kings Denver Airport Street Art Mural

My work is currently being featured at the Denver International Airport as part of the largest Street Art Exhibit at any airport in the world. It’s along side legends David Choe, Sam Flores & Highraff.   12’x8′ Spray paint, acrylic & latex on 3 plywood boards @ Terminal Kings – Denver,Co –  January 12-22, 2012 I was hired as the resident DJ for the 10 day event and was given a slot to paint. I got to...

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Hell’s Kitchen NYC Live Painting

Hell’s Kitchen NYC Live Painting

  4 panels of 11″x14″, finished piece was 22″x28″ and painted with Acrylic. I was hired by RGL Forensics to fly up to New York City and perform a live painting at their corporate event. I was given complete freedom of the subject matter and style. I chose to paint the view from the window in front of me in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan. I had to jazz it up of course with my personal flair. More...

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Denver Art & Music Show

Denver Art & Music Show

I just got hired as the official DJ for the Terminal Kings art show being sponsored by the University of Denver and The Denver Airport. In addition, I will be painting live daily with famous artists from around the world that have been hired to install hundreds of square feet of their Graffiti and Street Art into an exhibition that will remain in the Denver Airport for 5 years. My set will be from 2:00pm-4pm everyday and I will be playing some...

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College Hill TV Show Feature

College Hill TV Show Feature

In March of 2009, 3 of my paintings were featured in the mansion that B.E.T. filmed their sixth season of College Hill. I was lucky enough to have top placement in the living room & 2 of the bedrooms. Below are pictures of my artwork in three of the different rooms used for the entire duration of the filming. College Hill South Beach is the sixth season of BET’s reality television series College Hill, that follows the lives of...

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Suyu Gallery North Miami Art District

Suyu Gallery North Miami Art District

Friday February 29, 2008 7:30 pm – 11:30 pm We invite you to come and visit our new location in the art district of North Miami (NoMi Art District).   Enjoy beautiful art, culture, live music, and more. Light food, beverages and wine Featured Artists: Amarilis Veliz,  Lou Russo,  Jonathan M. Fields, Jose Hurtado,  Mario Flores,  Rosa N. Garmendia, Tony Rosca,  Amalia Brujis,  Steve Levine,  ED Setien, Pedro Wilson,  Anthony Ardavin, ...

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Museum of Art Ft Lauderdale

Museum of Art Ft Lauderdale

I had the privilege of displaying my art work at the famed Museum of Art  Ft. Lauderdale on Wednesday October 24, 2007 as part of the Grape Escape Wine Tasting #4 event. The event was a Charity/Benefit for: Broward House, Inc. was founded in 1988 by a group of concerned persons who realized that there were critical needs for quality care and support services for Broward County individuals who were HIV positive. Broward House...

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Java D’Lites Show

Java D’Lites Show

This used to be the most popular place in Coral Springs for upcoming artists, musicians, poets and comedians. Thanks to Renda Writerr for starting the open mics there and getting me my own show. ART SHOW PHOTOS COMING SOON…. Java D’Lites 2528 University Drive ( West side of the street in the Royal Palm Shopping Plaza) M-Th 6am – Midnight Friday, Saturday 6AM-closing Sunday 7AM-11PM 954-340-BEAN If not displaying my art work,...

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Art of Soul @ Jatem Boutique

Art of Soul @ Jatem Boutique

Art show I put together at Jatem Boutique back in 2007 in Coral Springs, FL See our listing in the Miami Herald If I’m not shopping or organizing local art shows, I’m hard at work at Search Engine Marketing Pros

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